Key requirement
The key requirement for the successful operation of Roth Czech on the market is the connection of a dynamic business with precise production so that customers receive the selected goods in the highest quality and as soon as possible. Customers can buy products both in a wide distribution network of brick-and-mortar stores and hobby markets and directly through online stores.
The distribution network of B2B business partners requires precise long-term planning. B2C web shops, on the other hand, bring interesting business opportunities with high added value, but also demands for speed and flexibility of production.
The information system connects sales channels with planning, production and purchasing. The production therefore placed two important demands on it. On the one hand, it is the provision of material that needs to be imported, and therefore ordered, with a longer lead time. The second requirement was intuitive and quick preparation of the technology of the order. Roth Czech ships over 200 different products per day, so quick preparation of production data is essential.
Roth Czech has been a user of the Infor VISUAL corporate information system since 2004. Infor covers all the company's main processes, from sales orders to production to shipping.
The deployment was decided by its unique features in the field of TPV preparation and production order processing. With the growth and development of the company, the demands on the business system gradually increased. In the area of automation of business processes, other functions were implemented, such as B2C integration into e-shops and B2B communication with business partners.
It was important to introduce the use of barcodes in production and shipping, which made it possible to handle the increase in orders without increasing the labor involved in their processing.
The key requirement of the project – the provision of material that needs to be ordered and imported with a long lead time – is today ensured by advanced material planning and forecasting in Infor VISUAL. The logistics of semi-finished and finished products, fully automated with the use of barcodes, facilitates dispatch and transfers between production plants.
All business and production transactions are reflected online in Infor VISUAL accounting, and thanks to this, the management of Roth Czech always has up-to-date economic data necessary for company management. Seyfor also helped to optimize B2C communication to individual e-shops in the field of automating payment generation and B2B communication with a focus on automatic generation of orders with a specific product configuration.
The visualization solution for the shipment of the special series of VINATA shower enclosures using EAN barcodes ensures that the delivery contains all the necessary packages and is complete. Thanks to this, human errors are prevented when completing orders and warehouse workers have a significantly easier job.