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Company history

From a small Brno company to one of the largest software companies in Central Europe. Such is a summary of our journey that started in 1990.



Martin Cígler Founding CÍGLER SOFTWARE

Just a few days after the Velvet Revolution
in Czechoslovakia, Martin Cígler is founded
CÍGLER SOFTWARE, later renamed on Solitea
Czech Republic.


Connects Altus software

CÍGLER SOFTWARE buys Altus Software
and produces the basis of future Solitea holding.


Solitea is established

Just one month after its foundation it expands its portfolio to the enterprise segment and HR systems by acquiring AQUASOFT (later renamed Solitea Business Solutions) and Vema.


New acquisitions in the Czech Republic and Austria

Spring Solitea enters German speaking acquisition markets companies in Jet ERP Betriebsgesellschaft. In December then it strengthens the position of Czech leader market ERP systems by buying traditional Czech manufacturer ERP systems for SMB, J.K.R. (subsequently renamed on Byznys software).


Solitea heads on Balkan markets

Solitea enters Balkan markets acquisition leader of the Slovenian SMB market, SAOP. At the same time begins with presentations and strengthening custom brands, AQUASOFT is renamed on Solitea Business Solutions.


New names, and a contract for Finland’s customs administration

Solitea continues to strengthen its brand by renaming CÍGLER SOFTWARE to Solitea Česká republika, and J.K.R. to Byznys software.

The Finnish customs administration awards us the biggest ever contract for the export of IT technology from the Czech Republic.

The acquisition of CDL SYSTEM (a major Microsoft partner and vendor of infrastructure solutions), now known as Solitea CDL, is completed.


Solitea becomes the best employer

Altus software is transferred to Byznys software. Aon Hewitt, a consulting company, declares us the best employer in the Czech Republic in the category of medium sized companies. SAOP, Vema and Solitea CDL align their fiscal years with Solitea.

Solitea Pay is founded with the aim of entering the European market of smart payment terminals.


Purchase of new companies strengthens Solitea partnership with Microsoft

Solitea finalises several major acquisitions in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Serbia, focused primarily on developing its partnership with Microsoft and strengthening its position as a market leader in the segment of cloud software for small businesses.

According to Aon Hewitt, the Byznys software subsidiary defends its position as the best employer in the Czech Republic in the category of mediumsized companies. For the first time, the consolidated turnover of the group exceeds CZK 1.3 billion.


More than two dozen companies fuse into one Solitea

Solitea undergoes substantial restructuring in preparation for the merger in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and is newly internally divided into four divisions. The company continues in its strong acquisition activities both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

By acquiring AXIOM PROVIS Int. and Clever Decision, it reinforces its position as Microsoft’s most significant Czech partner in the business solutions area.

By acquiring Dotykačka and Smart software, Solitea becomes the leader of POS systems for the Czech market.

The company managed to cope successfully with the COVID19 pandemic. The holding’s consolidated revenues are close to CZK 1.8 billion (growth of 32% compared to fiscal year 2019; EBITDA amounts to CZK 156 million (growth of 20%).


Solitea continues its acquisition growth

By acquiring Mainstream Technologies, Solitea becomes Microsoft’s only Czech partner, supplying a full range of Microsoft products. With the acquisition of D3Soft, Seyfor enters the utility company market; through the acquisition of PRYTANIS, it gains necessary logistics knowhow; and the acquisition of AW Solutions provides Seyfor with lowcode knowhow. Through the acquisition of MIT Informatika and Opal Informatika, Seyfor strengthens its position in the Balkans.

Internal consolidation continues: As of 1 July, all Balkan subsidiaries have been merged.

The effect of the consolidation starts to show in the company’s financial results: Year onyear, turnover grew by 31.1% and EBITDA by 64.3%.


Solitea became Seyfor

Outwardly, the most significant event was the rebranding. With the Seyfor brand, we wanted to better express our relationships with customers. Together with the new name, the entire visual design got younger, fresher, and more modern. 

2022 was our strongest year of acquisition growth so far. We completed transactions with PROVIS, Pay Solutions, TECHNISERV IT, Besteron, VASCO, and Commander Services. For the fourth time in a row, Seyfor managed to maintain its year-on-year turnover increase at a 30% level. The Company is doing well on all markets it operates in. The increase in internal effectiveness
is underlined by a year-on-year EBITDA growth of more than 60%


Seyfor continues to grow and expand

Seyfor continues to grow thanks to mergers and acquisitions, this time focused on strengthening the company’s market position and expanding to new markets. The acquisitions of Gesteem, TCars System, and KS – program were completed, while consolidation within Seyfor continued with the merger of TECHNISERV IT.

The company’s rebranding in 2022 proved to be exceptionally successful: The brand has a positive image and it’s more wellknown than its predecessor. That aides to company’s organic projectbased growth. Even more impressively, Seyfor managed to achieve a 30% revenue increase for the fifth year in a row and exceeded CZK 4 billion for the first time, while EBITDA jumped by 63.8% year on year to CZK 675 million.