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We Implemented a New Version of incadea.dms 7.2 in Company Auto Palace Bratislava

  • 11 Mar 2020
  • 2 minutes to read

Auto Palace Bratislava has become another dealer in the BMW network who has decided to implement incadea.dms 7.2. for car sales and servicing.

The implementation included a complete migration of the company’s historical data, unification of the accounting structure with the structure used across the entire Auto Palace group, as well as implementation of the dimensions logic which the new incadea.dms 7.2 supports.

Aside from technological advancement, the main motivator for this system upgrade was the desire to consolidate and accelerate internal processes and allow detailed monitoring of the economic development of the company.

Thanks to great cooperation between the team at Auto Palace Bratislava and the Solitea team, the implementation was completed on time and the system went live on 9 March 2020.

About company Auto Palace Bratislava

Auto Palace is among the largest car retailers for premium brands BMW and MINI as well as Mitsubishi and Mazda in Slovakia. The company is a part of Dutch company AutoBinck which was founded in 1907 in the Hague – making it one of the oldest automotive companies in the world. AutoBinck has representation in 8 European markets.

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