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The choice of your implementation partner: a traditional vendor or a real sparring partner?

  • 28 Jan 2021
  • 2 minutes to read

When you’re considering the implementation of a new ERP or CRM software solution, you have the choice between two kinds of implementation partners. On the one hand, there are the traditional vendors who - in a nutshell – activate the software just the way you work today, train your end-users and leave. On the other hand, there are those partners who see the new software solution as a catalyst for initiating and supporting organisational change. And for putting your customers in the center of everything you do. They seek mainly to improve and modernise your current processes and to ease the current bottlenecks.

It is of course interesting to consider which sort of partner your organisation requires. And to categorize your potential implementation partners in this way too. Clearly, this second category of partners needs to possess different qualities and knowledge from the first. The courage to discuss nettlesome issues for sure is one of those qualities. And it’s good to know that, on the average, these partners are also more experienced and charge higher fees.

Despite COVID-19, the new buying behavior and the successes of disruptive business models, most software buyers today still tend to re-automate their existing processes and ideas. Sometimes as a conscious choice, but often unconsciously. As a result, they are not seldom guiding their organisations based on out-of-date principles.

To really benefit from the possibilities of new technology, you must be prepared to change. Even when it hurts on the inside. In this situation, an implementation partner who is a competent sparring partner is indispensable!

So if you really want to get the most out of your next ERP or CRM system or digital transformation initiative, don't choose your implementation partner based on the lowest cost. You will be much better off when you are looking for the best sparring partner. That choice creates a stable foundation for a successful project with a positive return on your investment.

Solitea, a.s., with its corporate values of partnership, expertise and stability, meets all these criteria without fail. This is evidenced by a number of satisfied and loyal customers. Take a look at our references for yourself.

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