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Infor OS

A powerful integration platform ensures the connection of all services and products.

{u}Infor OS{/u}

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{u}Infor OS{/u}

All data in one place with Infor OS

With the Infor OS integration platform, you can easily unify the services you use. You will get a convenient tool for consolidating information and automating company processes. 

Everyone needs information for their work, but different things are important to everyone. Infor OS will make it possible to personalize the information system according to the needs of each user. Using the drag&drop visual modeler, the necessary processes, data flows, etc. can be defined visually. In addition, it integrates data from various applications and passes information across the system using a workflow. With Infor OS, you can find a scanned received invoice as easily as you place an order or check out finished production. You will have access to information anytime, anywhere.

Availability of information

Not all employees have access to the information system in the company and they have to find the necessary information in a difficult way. This costs time, increases error rates, and reduces enthusiasm for work. With Infor OS, every employee has access to the information they need. With assigned roles and graphical dashboards, everyone has the information they need right in front of their eyes. Organized, clear, graphical and without complex search.

Not all employees have access to the information system in the company and they have to find the necessary information in a difficult way. This costs time, increases error rates, and reduces enthusiasm for work. With Infor OS, every employee has access to the information they need. With assigned roles and graphical dashboards, everyone has the information they need right in front of their eyes. Organized, clear, graphical and without complex search.

Automation of processes

You often exchange information with your colleagues via e-mail and you have no control over which tasks are completed or which need to be solved as a priority. Automate business processes with workflow in Infor OS. Thanks to the workflow, information is automatically moved through individual business processes. You can share the important ones with all your colleagues via the internal social network.

You often exchange information with your colleagues via e-mail and you have no control over which tasks are completed or which need to be solved as a priority. Automate business processes with workflow in Infor OS. Thanks to the workflow, information is automatically moved through individual business processes. You can share the important ones with all your colleagues via the internal social network.

An integrated system for the entire company

Although you try to use the best applications for different areas, you are not able to ensure their mutual integration for safe and reliable data transfer. Whether you're using Infor or third-party applications, Infor OS integration tools will make you feel like you're working with one tool on one integrated information system for the entire company.

Although you try to use the best applications for different areas, you are not able to ensure their mutual integration for safe and reliable data transfer. Whether you're using Infor or third-party applications, Infor OS integration tools will make you feel like you're working with one tool on one integrated information system for the entire company.

Main product features

Integrated DMS

Infor OS includes an integrated Document Management System. Documents are available throughout the system. You can attach a document anywhere in the system and you will always have it available in the correct version where you need it.

Employee Experience

You can easily adapt the system environment to the needs of users. Custom portals can be created as a gateway to information. Preparing a dashboard will be a piece of cake for you. Every user has access to the information they need at any time and from anywhere.

Automation of business processes and workflow

Infor OS provides workflow for the entire integrated information system. Whatever applications your system is made up of, workflow controls the flow of information regardless of its boundaries. Information flows will thus correspond to your real processes.

On-premise and cloud

You can choose which mode you want your Infor OS to run in. You have both a cloud version and a version running on your own hardware.

System Integration Hub

Thanks to Infor OS, applications communicate with each other. You can design your information system to your liking and be sure that you are sharing the right information. Infor applications are automatically integrated into Infor OS, but third-party software can also be connected.

A true end-to-end information system

Infor OS provides an "All-in-One" environment in which all employees of your company are involved, who can easily share all information with each other.

Data analytics

Data from the entire information system is collected in the Data Lake. Data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) tools take care of their transformation into information that can be used for business management. Use the power of computing to process available data.


Infor OS guarantees you secure access from anywhere and on any device.

Infor OS interface

What are clients saying about Infor OS ?

„S Infor LN jsme změnili náš dodavatelský řetězec a výrobní procesy a díky 3PL jsme zredukovali na nulu nejen materiál, který spravujeme interně, ale také riziko, že bychom měli nedostatek materiálů kdekoli na našich výrobních linkách. Konečným výsledkem bylo snížení ztracených výrobních hodin."

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We will show you Infor OS in practice