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incadea.dms is a Gold Certified DMS for DAF Dealers

  • 17 Jul 2019
  • 1 minute to read

incadea.dms 7.2 with DAF module, developed for communication with systems of company DAF, is one of five gold certified DMS (Dealer Management System) solutions for authorised DAF dealers and service centres. incadea.dms 7.2 is currently the only gold or silver certified DMS solution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The prerequisite for receiving gold DMS certification is the trouble-free connection and functioning of communication between a dealer or service partner and DAF systems. incadea.dms 7.2 is already in full use in DAF Trucks Praha s.r.o.

The incadea.dms 7.2 DAF solution also includes a Truck module, which contains many new functions and user improvements made with regard to the specific needs of truck dealers and service centres.

Further development of new settings in the area of service and warranties is planned for 2019, such as Fieldaction service interface, R&M service interface, GAI4 warranty interface and more.

Solitea, a.s., is the sole partner of incadea GmbH for implementing products on the Czech and Slovak market.

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