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8 essential tips to take advantage of Microsoft Dynamics 365 security

  • Ing. Kateřina Menšíková
  • 15 Aug 2023
  • 5 minutes to read

In today's digital era, where data plays a key role in how businesses operate, ensuring its security and protection should be a priority. In this regard, Microsoft Dynamics 365 proves to be an ideal solution compared to traditional on-premise alternatives. Learn how to properly use the various security features integrated into this platform.

Security and Microsoft Dynamics 365  

Microsoft Dynamics is a software-as-a-service platform that is supported by Microsoft Azure. This provides customers with a very high level of data security.

The security tools in Microsoft Dynamics 365 provide clients with everything they need to secure their data from cyber threats, ensuring privacy and compliance with global data security standards.  

Microsoft provides a number of security controls that users can leverage to keep their data and processes secure, while:  

  • Encrypts all data stored on its Azure servers and adheres to ISO 27018 protocols. 
  • Employs dedicated security groups called Red Teams to provide continuous monitoring and support for cloud services. Below is an overview of their other features to improve Microsoft Dynamics 365 security.  
  • Uses a zero-trust model in its approach to security. Every person or service that attempts to access Dynamics 365 modules must pass a basic identification information verification.   
  • Uses machine learning (ML) and automated processes to detect, prevent, and remediate attacks using data sets and behavioral analytics.  
  • Never shares Information stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365 with any third parties for marketing or advertising.  

Every company that operates within Microsoft Dynamics 365 receives industry-leading system protection.   

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How do I take advantage of the security in Microsoft Dynamics 365?  

Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers several features that help organizations maintain data security. Let's take a look at a few ways you can strengthen the integrity of your company's infrastructure.  

1. Use role-based security   

A role-based security framework allows administrators to determine which areas users can access within Microsoft Dynamics 365 and what actions are allowed.

Assigning users to roles allows organizations to restrict access to sensitive information and features unless they have been granted explicit permission for work purposes.  

2. Don't add unnecessary permissions   

One mistake that some organizations make is giving certain roles more access than is necessary with respect to future job responsibilities.   

If users don't need certain access based on their current responsibilities, don't grant them those permissions. Adding too many permissions erodes the control you want to maintain over your Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment.  

3. Use the team option to manage multiple users   

Instead of granting permissions directly to users, create a team and assign permissions to that group.   

Administrators will need to manage the units as part of their duties. However, using teams makes it easier to keep track of users who must be removed if they leave the company or move to another position.  

4. Establish secure network connections   

Hackers are constantly looking for weak spots in your infrastructure, especially networks. Make sure you are taking steps to secure network connections to Microsoft Dynamics.   

One good practice is to use SSL/TLS to encrypt all data in transit. It is also a good step to set restrictions to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access. 

5. Regularly perform check revisions and updates   

Constantly monitor and update your security standards. The last thing you want is for neglected security protocols to create room for hackers to launch a malware attack or conduct a successful data breach within Dynamics 365.   

You should continually review your company's current roles and permissions within the platform to ensure they properly reflect specific job functions and responsibilities.  

6. Set up multi-factor authentication   

Organizations can use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) within Microsoft Dynamics. After enabling logs, administrators will need to set up specific authentication factors such as text messaging or biometric confirmation.  

7. Use secure authentication  

Microsoft Dynamics supports various authentication methods e.g. form authentication, OAuth and Windows authentication.   

Once you choose an authentication method that suits your business needs, make sure you set strong standards for passwords and ask users to update them regularly.  

8. Monitor user activities   

You can use Microsoft Dynamics 365 audit logs to monitor user activity. Enabling auditing sets records of all user actions, including creating, changing, or deleting records.   

The platform allows you to review queries issued or records viewed by specific users. Audit logs are a great tool for investigating security incidents in Microsoft Dynamics.   

Increase security in your Microsoft environment  

Seyfor understands the importance of securing your Microsoft software instances. Contact us for a complete assessment of your current security setup.   

Seyfor can show you how to protect your organization's IT infrastructure from internal and external threats. 

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